How to Choose the Right Nail Color?

Choosing the right nail color that complements your skin tone is a fun way to enhance your look. Here are some tips for finding the perfect summer nail colors for different skin tones:

  1. Fair/Light Skin Tones:
    If you have a fair or light skin tone, colors with cool undertones often work well. Think blues, purples, and pinks. Soft pastels like baby blue or lavender can be particularly lovely for summer. If you're looking for a fun, bold option, a bright red or fuchsia can provide a striking contrast.

  2. Medium/Olive Skin Tones:
    Warmer shades tend to compliment medium or olive skin tones beautifully. Consider trying a coral, warm peach, or even a golden yellow for a summer-ready look. Jewel tones, such as emerald green or rich sapphire, can also be stunning.

  3. Tan/Deep Skin Tones:
    For tan or deep skin tones, both light and dark colors can pop beautifully. In the summer, you might try a bold turquoise, bright orange, or a stunning hot pink. Metallic shades, like gold or bronze, can also look particularly striking.

Remember, these are just guidelines! The most important thing is that you feel confident and happy with your choice 🥰

Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun with different colors to find what you love best. After all, the perfect color for you is the one that makes you feel amazing!


Summer Nail Care & Self-Care: A Must-Do List ☀️